Kirschblüte: Mehr als 200.000 Kirschbäume gibt es in der Fränkischen Schweiz

Visit Bavaria!

Be it the Bavarian Forest, the Fichtel mountains and the Alps, Lake Chiemsee, Lake Constance or the Danube. Be it castles like Neuschwanstein and Linderhof or cool urban flair. Be it Munich or Nuremberg, Bamberg or Amberg. Oktoberfest and Bavarian folk music. Silvaner wine and wheat beer. Pretzel and Weißwurst sausages. Bavaria is more.

Bavaria is an attitude to life. Relaxed and cosmopolitan. Rooted in its homeland and innovatively free-spirited. We Bavarians love our traditions and therefore like to turn them upside down from time to time.

This website provides plenty of ideas and tips for your holiday in Bavaria.

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Spring is colourful!

The days are getting longer and warmer. It's about time to get outdoors - but also to discover new perspectives, exciting knowledge and memorable experiences. Here you will find lots of tips on art, culture and customs

MUCA Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art in München, ein der kunstsinnigen Sehenswürdigkeiten in München

Anything but dusty!

Bavaria's more than 1,300 museums bring culture and curiosities to life with excitingly staged collections

Nicht nur Jockls Weinzelt lohnt einen Besuch der

Folk Festivals!

Bavaria's traditional folk festivals celebrate life and our traditions. Here are 16 tips for 2025

Blick auf den Altar der St. Ludwig Kirche

Look up!

Sacred art on the ceiling. Munich walk with artist Thomas Neumann

Schlosspark Linderhof: Auf den Spuren des Bayern-Kini

Blooming works of art!

You love flowers, trees and walks? Here are 12 beautifully landscaped castle parks

Inspiration and Tips for Your Visit in Bavaria

Our reporters are out and about for you on foot, by bike, in a canoe, by train and on skis, collecting the best stories and travel inspirations from all regions of Bavaria. Click here for over 140 reports and nearly 100 listicles


Das Alte Rathaus am Unteren Markt in Weiden in der Oberpfalz nach Sonnenuntergang

La Dolce Vita

La dolce vita in East Bavarian... that describes Weiden perfectly. A relaxed visit to the town with sights worth seeing and plenty to enjoy

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Maibaum und Straßencafés auf dem Unteren Markt in Weiden in der Oberpfalz

9 Weiden Tips

St. Michael's Church, City Museum, Sybillenbad Spa and a Volcano World are at the top of the bucket list in Weiden. Find out all about it...

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Amberger Rathaus

Charming Amberg

Perfect autumn: medieval charm, artistic treasures and welcoming inns

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Cristin trägt sieben Maß

Serving the "Maßes"

What does the Oktoberfest mean to the people who work there? We accompanied Oktoberfest waitress Cristin at work in the Schottenhamel tent

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Neuburg liegt direkt an der Donau

Rubens, Witches and Slow Food

A magnificent palace, two Rubens paintings, a charming old town, lots of greenery. Our reporters were in Neuburg on the Danube to take a look around

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Frauenkirche bei schlechtem Wetter

14 Tips for a Rainy Munich

On vacation in Munich and it's raining all day? Never mind! Here are 14 tips for exploring the ctiy in bad weather

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„Steinmanns Töchter“ Pauline und Anna bei der Traubenlese im Weinberg

Wine start-up with power

The young winemakers and former wine princesses Pauline and Anna are ‘Steinmann's daughters’. We visited the successful young duo from Sommerhausen

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Schloss Herrenchiemsee: Der Fortuna-Brunnen im Schlosspark

Castles in Bayern: 16 Tips

Popular but also lesser-known castles await you between the Alps and the River Main. 16 beautiful castles in Bavaria

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barrierefreies Museum

15 Accessible Museums

Culture without obstacles: 15 museums throughout Bavaria have joined forces to form the ‘Inclusive Museums network’ - with many accessible offers.

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Landsberg am Lech: Der Lech ist umgeben von Häusern mit Bunten Fassaden

Lovely Landsberg

Lots of greenery, Italian flair and art on the border between Upper Bavaria and Bavarian Swabia. Our reporters discovered Landsberg am Lech

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Sommerrodelbahn Hündle

16 x Summer Tobogganing Fun

Summer tobogganing is like riding a rollercoaster - only in the great outdoors. Into the bend, out of the bend. 16 tips for Bavaria

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Schiff auf dem Chiemsee

16 Wonderful Boat Trips in Bavaria

Bavaria's lakes and rivers invite you to go on excursions. Whether electric-powered ship, nostalgic paddle steamer, sailing yacht or raft, your choice

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Blick durch das Bamberger Tor auf den Marktplatz von Lichtenfels in Franken

There’s more than meets the eye!

Lichtenfels on the Obermain was once a stronghold of the basket trade. It stands for innovation and high-tech. We had a good look around the town

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Beautiful Views!

Colourful paintings on house facades turn some places into veritable open-air galleries. We travelled around Upper Bavaria with artist Bernhard Rieger

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City tour through Nuremberg

A colorful city walk from Gostenhof via Rosenaupark and Hesperidengärten to Wöhrder See Lake. Together with two real insiders

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14 Nuremberg Tips for Kids and Teens

We show you where and how a vacation in Nuremberg with kids and teenagers is particularly fun. 14 cool tips for unforgettable experiences

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 Die Engel der Befreiungshalle in Kelheim wurden von hinten fotografiert, während die Sonne durch ein Loch in der Kuppel strahlt, sie in ein warmes Licht tauchend.


Beyond the Liberation Hall and Weltenburg Abbey, there are even more delightful discoveries to be made in Kelheim

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Mural „Wir sind Langwasser…wir sind bunt”

Street Art in Bavaria

Street art makes grey concrete blossom! Subways and building façades in Bavaria are pimped up legally, often on public commission. 18 must-sees!

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Blick auf den Stadtturm und die Dreifaltigkeissäule in Straubing

Straubing at its finest

Straubing is considered the heart of Old Bavaria. The city has much more to offer than just a beautiful façade. Come with us on our tour

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Cafe Been&Green am Gumbertusplatz in Ansbach

Small-town Charm

With actor and cabaret artist Thorsten Siebenhaar on an exploration tour through his Ansbach, on the trail of a deeply relaxed attitude to life

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Experience Bavaria With Our Insiders!

Our Bavaria insiders deal creatively, innovatively and against the grain with crafts, culture, tradition, and enjoyment in a Bavarian way. They produce pottery, distil spirits, make wine, brew beer, devote themselves to street art and Lüftl painting.

They protect nature and the alpine pastures, look after the health of our guests, blacksmith cowbells, design fashionable traditional costumes or tattoo Lederhosen. Get to know our insiders and their life in Bavaria here in their profiles

Maibaumsteigen Rottenstuben: Der Maibaum ist ein Symbol von Fruchtbarkeit und Kraft

Traditional climbing of the maypole

The traditional climbing of the maypole in the Upper Bavarian town of Rottenstuben is a mixture of competition and maypole acrobatics

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Ilonka mit Traktor

Ilonka Scheuring: Winemaker in pink rubber boots

Winemaker Ilonka Scheuring brings a breath of fresh air to the industry: with individuality, an eye for detail and a lot of expertise.

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Der Snow White Gin will gut verkostet sein

The crew from "Snow White Gin"

Four young distillers from Lohr am Main use ingredients exclusively sourced from native woods for their award-winning “Snow White Gin”

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Aus Liebe zu Holz und Handwerk übernahm Alexander Hergenhan 2012 die Werkstatt seines Onkels in der Rhön

Sledge builder Alexander Hergenhan

Each year, Alexander Hergenhan from the Rhoen fashions around 150 traditional wooden sledges from domestic ash using ancient techniques

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Der Braumeister Kilian Stückler in seiner Privatbrauerei in Sonthofen

Craft beer with tradition

Brewmaster Kilian Stückler is the sixth generation of his family to run the Hirschbräu in Sonthofen where he fuses tradition and experimentation

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Ursula Sedlmayr: Die Fleischermeisterin leitet die 1929 gegründete Familienmetzgerei

Master butcher Ursula Sedlmayr

Master butcher Ursula Sedlmayr has proved all her doubters wrong. She was determined to take over the family butcher’s business in Garmisch-Partenkir

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Andreas Hemmeter: Erfinder der tragbaren Rückenlehne MeiLeni mit Kind im Festzelt auf der Kirchweih in Weissenburg

A welcome support by Andreas Hemmeter

The portable backrest for beer benches designed by Andreas Hemmeter enhances the delights of sitting in a Biergarten or beer tent

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Bieramt: Jede Woche gibt es wechselndes Fassbier aus Franken

More beer than authority: The "Bieramt" in Nuremberg

Boris Braun brings a quaffable element of Franconian identity to life in the “Bieramt” in Nuremberg

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Franziska Bischof in ihrer Edelbrennerei in Wartmannroth

Brandy sommelière Franziska Bischof

Franziska Bischof is a fine brandy sommelière and Female Distiller of the Year 2018. She runs Germany’s only distillery shop

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Bead embroiderer Claudia Flügel-Eber from Carakess

Small beads, great art

Traditional, hand-knitted “Perlbeutel” or “beaded bags” are a near-forgotten traditional costume accessory. Claudia Flügel-Eber has brought them back

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The Latest Lists: "Things to Do and See in Bavaria"

Hundreds of inspirational tips, ideas and rankings from all over Bavaria. Cultural monuments, monastery breweries, castles and palaces, hiking and cycling trails, river adventures, swimming in the wild, must-sees in over towns and cities, fun for kids, Kneipp holidays and truly crazy museums. Nearly 100 "Let's go" Listicles provide all this at a glance.

Maibaum und Straßencafés auf dem Unteren Markt in Weiden in der Oberpfalz

9 Weiden Tips

St. Michael's Church, City Museum, Sybillenbad Spa and a Volcano World are at the top of the bucket list in Weiden. Find out all about it...

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Frauenkirche bei schlechtem Wetter

14 Tips for a Rainy Munich

On vacation in Munich and it's raining all day? Never mind! Here are 14 tips for exploring the ctiy in bad weather

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Schloss Herrenchiemsee: Der Fortuna-Brunnen im Schlosspark

Castles in Bayern: 16 Tips

Popular but also lesser-known castles await you between the Alps and the River Main. 16 beautiful castles in Bavaria

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barrierefreies Museum

15 Accessible Museums

Culture without obstacles: 15 museums throughout Bavaria have joined forces to form the ‘Inclusive Museums network’ - with many accessible offers.

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Sommerrodelbahn Hündle

16 x Summer Tobogganing Fun

Summer tobogganing is like riding a rollercoaster - only in the great outdoors. Into the bend, out of the bend. 16 tips for Bavaria

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Schiff auf dem Chiemsee

16 Wonderful Boat Trips in Bavaria

Bavaria's lakes and rivers invite you to go on excursions. Whether electric-powered ship, nostalgic paddle steamer, sailing yacht or raft, your choice

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14 Nuremberg Tips for Kids and Teens

We show you where and how a vacation in Nuremberg with kids and teenagers is particularly fun. 14 cool tips for unforgettable experiences

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Mural „Wir sind Langwasser…wir sind bunt”

Street Art in Bavaria

Street art makes grey concrete blossom! Subways and building façades in Bavaria are pimped up legally, often on public commission. 18 must-sees!

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UNESCO Welterbe: Bad Kissingen

10 UNESCO World Heritage Sites

This listicle introduces you to all ten UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Bavaria, i.e. monuments, architectural ensembles and cities

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Tour Itinerary

Discover Bavaria’s rich history on a 5-day-tour through Passau, Regensburg, Rothenburg, Neu-Ulm and Augsburg

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Bavarian for beginners

This wonderful term can be heard in Franconia. It means as much as "gnawed-off chicken leg". The chicken itself is called Giegerla.

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All Stories and Information on Bavaria in One Map

Find the best holiday and travel stories interactively. And the best hotel near your holiday destination? Interested in where our Bavaria-insiders have their workshops, shops and restaurants and guide you through nature? Want to find out what reports there are on the Bavarian regions and cities? Our Bavaria map shows it all.

Bavaria in 100 Seconds

A 100-second declaration of love to the beauty and uniqueness of Bavaria as a travel destination in the usual traditionally different way: Bavarian Comedian Harry G, who is known for his Bavarian grant, embarks on a criss-cross journey through Bavaria.

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